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Leo Moutos

So my school has a MAJOR problem. It’s a catholic, all girls school so imma let you guess what the problem is. Racism? Homophobia? Transphobia? Oh no no no, cos that would make it a normal catholic school. No the problem I’m talking about is pedophilia (I guess there’s a reason they only want young girls there *sob*). The reason it is such a problem is because the school only cares about how they look to the public so they suspend/expel anyone who speaks up about genuine issues at the school.

So last year, my friend found out that her math teacher is a perv bc he got caught taking pictures up girl’s skirts. He got caught bc the flash on his phone went off 💀. My friend then reported it and got suspended for spreading rumors bc it’s ‘tarnishing the teacher’s reputation’.

Just a couple of days ago, I saw a girl in year 11 (17F) hug a year 8 (13F) from behind and G R A B H E R B O O B 💀. To put that into perspective, the year 11 is legal and the year 8 isn’t. I didn’t know what to do with what I saw, but I thought it was weird so I asked my friend what I should do and she didn’t know (she’s so helpful ik /s). Some nosy bitches in the locker room overheard bits and pieces of this conversation and spread it around. The year 11 heard some twisted version from someone and told the teacher because at this point, everyone ‘knew’ a different version of the story. The year 8 then yelled at me, but a lot of the bs that came out of her mouth sounded like stuff the year 11 told her to say. For example, one of the things she said was that she was apparently so mature for her age, even more mature than me even though we’re at two completely different stages in life and she’s 3 years younger than me. So the teacher comes into my classroom and practically drags me to the office. I didn’t even get to tell my side of the story before I was suspended. The teacher said that I was the one spreading rumors and that by doing so, I was tarnishing the year 11’s reputation and her parents are pissed bc they pay good money to send her to this school (roughly translated, that means the parents are bribing the school so the year 11 can do whatever tf she wants). I tried saying that I was just concerned for the year 8 but the teacher didn’t seem to want to listen to my side of the story at all. After she finally listened, she said that I should’ve stayed quiet about the whole thing because it makes ppl look bad.

I want to change schools because I don’t feel safe at my current school and I’m a trans boy so I want to be around ppl my own gender, but I feel like it’s too late to change schools because I’m in year 10 know, so I may as well just stay till year 12. My mum also really wants me to go to this school and I just want to make her proud. Plus this school has the classes that I need to take in order to pursue what I want to do and I don’t think other schools will have that.

Girl with glasses

just stressing out

Last edited 19 hours ago by Girl with glasses

So 12 days ago I made a vent post on reddit about how much I hated being hypersexual and I got a private message from a 16 year old guy saying he was also hypersexual and we started talking about our days and weather but then he started asking me questions about my hypersexuality experiences and I thought it was fine because he was just curious and maybe we could relate to each other but every time I answered a question he would ask a more explicit one and it just kept spiraling there I didn’t want to say no to his requests because I didn’t want him to leave I wanted someone to relate and talk to but I’m really uncomfortable with all of this now he keeps telling me graphic ways he wants to pleasure me and use me as his little toy but I still respond and say like lol I feel disgusted with myself for doing so and its been about 12 days since we started talking and he has been asking me for nudes since the beginning and I told I couldn’t until I got my phone and I got it and I sent him the pictures I feel so ashamed guilty and gross its all my fault I engaged in the conversation I didn’t say no I kept talking and now this happened

Last edited 9 hours ago by Ezren

I feel lonely and sad


I feel very alone. I always have. Anyone who comes into my life leaves.


I’m just feeling really down


The world is flat

June Reverie

My best friend who I have a crush on, is growing distant from me and becoming best friends with a girl I hate, because she always lies (shes lied about being in a wheelchair, getting mold poisioning, her sister abusing her etc.) and I feel lonely, one of my other best friends is (jokingly but doesnt feel like it) rude to me, like calling me bad things, speaking rudely, etc. I feel alone, I think people think im weird, I’m a socially awkward lesbian.


Hello, strangers!
Recently, I accidentally gaslit my uncle and aunt into thinking I was gonna go to their house for the weekend. I really wanted to go, but I ended up cancelling last minute after school. My dad was not feeling the best and my sister had a friend coming over that I didn’t entirely trust. I knew she was gonna have a sleepover with my sis all week. I knew that, but I still insisted I was gonna go to my uncle’s. Then I cancelled. They’re frustrated with me and I hate myself more. I didn’t mean to, I don’t know why I did it. I’m just really impulsive and can’t think before I act for shit. I tried to cut my leg, but the blade was dull, thank goodness. Any help would be nice, thanks for letting me vent about me being a shitty person <3

Last edited 2 days ago by IMSCAREDOFREALITY
Leo 123456

I literally want to off myself everyday and I’m only 13 I’ve been this way since I was 7 I hate myself I’m useless


I feel so alone because of my stupid home life. I’m so sick and tired of living like this, it’s been like years and I just want to die, i just wonder what i did to deserve this hell because of my narcissistic dad. i don’t want to actually commit suicide so every night i pray i die to a meteor or something crashing into the house. actually i just want my mom to have a better life, at least when i go to college I’m finally free but my mom told me she’ll be trapped forever. i think that’s the worst part. rinse and repeat it’s he starts bs, ;he apologizes and makes me feel bad. he starts bs again
I’m getting another MRI because of a condition they found in my spine, I’m getting sick of living like this and my mom tells me it’ll be okay but it’s not. it’s not going to be okay when this bs happens over and over with no change and it feels hopeless. the doctor said i have no symptoms but I’m pretty sure I do and I’m just tired of this.
“dad” calls my mom fat, ugly, stupid, is always passive-aggressively insulting and demeaning her all day, and then when she explodes, he calls her insane and bitch. I’ve never seen him say anything nice to my mom, ever. he yells at her on her BIRTHDAY. he makes her BIRTHDAY about him. he never admits he’s a jerk. they’re always fighting basically. he gets so pissed at me over things that don’t even matter, he’s violent asl drinks a lot, he guilt trips me and makes me feel bad, he compares me all the time to other kids, he makes fun of me and acts like a kid. i think my only coping mechanism is playing video games and thinking about dying. i wish i had a therapist to deal with my anger and depression. I’m barely a teen, and my life is so miserable and depressing, I don’t want to live anymore. I’ve told my mom hundreds of times but all it’s doing is weighing her down mentally so i decided to shut up now. My doctor asked me if i have any problems with my home life, i said no because at the time my parents weren’t fighting too much, i have no idea why i answered like that, i basically lied.

it’s worse because he’s a so called worship leader at our church. he’s so fake it makes me throw up. he’s leading worship tomorrow and i know he’s gonna act holy and grand when he’s such a bad person behind the scenes. Actually, he only apologizes to me when he’s leading worship, so i guess i should expect an apology later. he even watched you know what type of disgusting sinful “content” when my mom was bed-ridden and sick and he was going to lead worship. he swears and says disgusting things. i wonder why my dad is in a position of leadership when he’s like this. why? he acts nice to me sometimes and it makes me feel bad for feeling this way about him, he successfully guilt trips me, I’m so stupid, because i still care about him because he’s my dad after all, which makes all of this even harder emotionally. I’m hoping he starts getting physically abusive so we have a valid reason to run away, but that sucks too

Last edited 4 days ago by aura-
Leo Moutos

I have a hard time holding boundaries. I often find that I need to seek validation by doing anything to please other ppl. I need love and it feels like no one loves me. I recently came out as trans to my mum and ever since, she has treated me differently. She doesn’t love me like her own child anymore. She doesn’t love me at all. My mum has a boyfriend, who she has been dating for two years now. He doesn’t accept trans ppl bc of his christian values. He surrounds himself with people who are homophobic and transphobic. He’s also very mean to my mum. Just today he called her fat as ‘a joke’ bc she was eating a burger. Whenever my mum eats a normal amount of food instead of an anorexic version of a salad, her boyfriend body shames her. It hurts to watch this happen. I fear that my mum may develop an eating disorder bc of this. I’m developing anorexia myself, I can’t have her have it too. Her boyfriend is also kinda weird. Every time he hugs me, he grabs my ass, which makes me very uncomfortable. My mum just says it’s a cultural thing bc he’s Sri Lankan. Help.

Leo Moutos

One time I was having a panic attack because I have ptsd from when I was sexually assaulted when I was 9, and my mum laughed and mocked me for it. She then filmed me having the panic attack and threatened to post it on Instagram for all my friends to see. She doesn’t know I have ptsd but still it wasn’t very nice. She then grabbed me rlly hard to the point I was bleeding and it left scars, she then proceeded to gaslight me and tell me it was my fault. This wasn’t the first time she had done something like this. And she expects me to trust her and tell her literally everything. She isolates me by manipulating me into thinking the friends I have are toxic or causing issues in my friendship groups. She also cuts me off from anyone I’m dating which has then led me into some bad situations bc I have to date online so she doesn’t find out.

One time I was talking to this guy on discord and he seemed nice. We bonded over having similar taste in cars. He said he was 17 (I was 15 at the time) so i thought he was fine. Turns out he was 39 and stalking me and followed me to my house, school and everywhere I went. It started out as a friendship, then he asked what I looked like and once I showed him, he said he liked me and I liked him back. So we started talking, we talked for like a month and then he asked me to send nudes. At first I said no but he kept asking. I kept saying no but he made me feel guilty for saying no. He said things like, “I thought you liked me” and “This is what couples do for each other, you’re being a shit partner”. At this point I felt awful but I still said no. Then he asked “You go to *insert school here* right?” (he found out what school I went to through my friend cj who he was also talking to as it turns out) and I said “yeah why?” and then he said “I suggest you put your face in the pictures, or you might get a surprise visit tomorrow.” At this point I was so scared, I didn’t want him to kidnap me from my school so I sent him the pictures. He promised not to show anyone but then he leaked them to his friends. He then showed up at my school the next day and followed my bus back to my house. I reported this to the police but they laughed in my face and said that I was the one in the wrong. I believed them. I still do. I feel like I was the one that did something wrong and not him.

When I was 9, I was sexually assaulted by my uncle. He made me feel like I could trust him but that whole time he was luring me in so he could exploit me. I have ptsd from it. It’s also rlly depressing bc I wanted to lose my virginity to someone special, not like this. I feel like it’s my fault and that I lead him on. I don’t rlly know how but i think I did.


I’m a high schooler who is in their first relationship ever. I do theater through my school’s program. I met a wonderful person through this and got to know him in October, he’s wonderful, faithful, kind-hearted, and honest. We’ve been going steady for almost two months, getting to know each other and taking time to make sure we’re both alright and comfortable in this. At one of our recent rehearsals, he saw my fairly recent SH scars and I think it scared him. It was a weird moment and we both had to go home immediately after. He told me he cried for three hours and had a long discussion with his parents. He has other things going on as well, we both do. He said he wants to take a break, and still be friends. He wants me to keep his bracelet and care for myself as I would with *it*. I’m having a hard time processing this, and I’ve cried a lot. I understand where he’s coming from completely, and I know life and relationships are tough, but I feel stuck and just done. I just want to quit the play we’re doing currently in theater. It’s so hard to think of him as anything less than the person I love. I really understand him and I’m being respectful of his wishes. He’s also said he got a lot off his chest with his father and he’s feeling a lot better. I feel like I want to run away or leave it alone. I feel so lost and stuck. And just, done. I feel really done with all of this.

Keelan McKelvey

hi, i cant believe that i feel so alone that i have to get others to reply to me on here. anyways, lets get into it. i feel lonely even though i have friends. i feel empty and loveless and i hate myself. i’m told im sort of pretty. but when i take selfies and look in the mirror, i feel and look like shrek. and my parents dont understand me. they want me to trust them and vent to them but they invade my privacy and they hurt me so much. idk what to do with my life anymore. it dont even have a purpose so whats the point. sb reply pls, i need friends.


Hello there. I need someone to talk to about my mental health problems, but if not, then I can help anyone else who needs it. Please, don’t hesitate to message me.


Lately I’ve been feeling empty but worn out and upset aswell as stressed out due to school deadlines. I feel like I can trust anyone I’m close with. I don’t understand why this is happening or what’s causing it. I’ve tried ways that helped me in the past but they don’t work anymore. I don’t know what to do.


So things were going amazingly. June 2024: I had a myomectomy and got through it. I was well enough to go to a convention. September 2024: I went to Kansai Japan. I loved it.
Everything went downhill then.
My grandmother had a stroke in October 2024. I was living with her and depending on her because I have no income, no job, no license. My grandmother thankfully survived, but she’s unable to work, so we couldn’t afford the apartment. Grandma is in rehab, and I had to move far to my bf’s house to live there. Everything I needed was in my old town, I could walk everywhere, take the bus, do things. Now, I’m in the middle of nowhere. No sidewalks, no stores, nothing. I can’t drive. My bf can’t drive. I have no income. I can’t do anything I want anymore. I can’t even go walk down a street or browse at a store. I’ve been stuck here for four months now. Oh, and I have a storage unit with my things in it that I can’t access because everything is dangerously piled up and I need movers to get it done. No one has gotten it done yet. I’m so trapped, I’m so depressed I feel like disappearing.


-Mamas Birthday. 05/02/2025

My dad has kept on starting fights with my mama. It’s her birthday today and dad is such a bitch that he can’t even try to be nice to her for her birthday, I cried before school because I forgot it was her birthday and my dad had to remind me due to me stressing about going on the bus. He yelled even more because I was crying and it made me cry harder, my mama thought it was because I have to start taking the bus to school and I accidentally screamed at her, saying “NO!!! ITS NOT THAT!!!!” and I cried even more because I yelled at her. my mama. The woman who I love the most. I still feel guilty, I don’t want to turn out like my dad emotionally. I feel like such a disappointment of a fucking excuse of a Daughter because I forgot to say happy birthday to her before dad had to remind me. He always yells at her on her birthday its been the same since I was 9. I hope he dies soon. I heard him say that to himself yesterday and I agree with him, I don’t care that he is my biological father. I can always find mama a new boyfriend for her, a better and nicer one, one that will treat us like human beings and not treat us like slaves to scream at and emotionally abuse. I just want a normal family, Why does everything go to shit whenever I come into the picture. I just want to live with my mama. I would have written all this physically but im scared of mama finding it and finding me a therapist (I don’t want one.) or HIM finding it and reading it and screaming and yelling at me about thinking all of this about him and guilt tripping me with “Im such a shitty dad” and trying to manipulate me with food or gifts. Mama, if you are reading this please don’t freak out about this vent. 🙁


I have no friends😬 I’ve always been a shy girl and I’m scared to aproach people. But This year it got worse ! I haven’t friends in my class and I don’t know why but I just couldn’t maintain my other frienships. So now I just stay alone everytime. It’s weird because most of the time people in my school just annoy me. They are so scared to be alone so they just stay with people they don’t like. I’m not a sucker and I don’t care if people pity me anymore. But sometimes I really need human contact 😒. When you get to know me I’m someone very cool (For me). Beside I’m rather pretty so I don’t know why people don’t wanna have a REAL friendship with me. I have cool discussions with some of them but then nothing happen. It’s like I’m not interesting 🤨 I don’t know how to act because when I behave like a « normal » person it’s apparently not enough but when I trynna show my real personnality they are scared😑 I’m not saying that I’m someone special, I now I’m the problem. But I just wanna be surronded by friends to help me survive to this society created by assholes.


hi so if anyone needs comfort or to vent right know then just talk to me I’m at school at the moment though sorry if I don’t get back to you




hi so I really recommended following @clawed_beauty101 if you already arnt I really like her she is very supportive in a lot of stuff!!


hi so I know this might sound weird but..I think I might wanna be a therian…


hi today went very bad at school I had to change scheduled and I also threw a pickle ball racket at someones head today I fucking hate school sometimes!!! my head hurts….

ur engineeer galssss

i accidently send it twice sorry

Last edited 9 days ago by ur engineeer galssss
ur engineeer galssss

My relationship with my mom makes me feel irritated and uncomfortable. I feel like my family is not the type who is close to each other and that’s how we show “love”. I know it is weird to think like that cause I’m sure that this family I was born in is a loving family and I’m lucky more than most of the people but sometimes I feel they are selfish and self-centered. Today I was planning to study at night and I did study for 1 hour and then I later took a break for 10 minutes to watch YouTube. Not even 10 mins my mom walked in and looked at me deadly and I felt uncomfortable so I said in an irritating tone but polite and asked her what she wanted she said what are you watching with the face- the fact that you know that person can go bonkers and then I say just watch youtube for a break I just finish reading 1 lesson and then I continue watching youtube, she then walks closer to me and at this point, it’s very uncomfortable and asks her what does she want she said what are you watching at the time I was watching youtube it was relating to entertaining stuff of course. She then says does this benefit you anything does it improve you? At this point, I know if I keep watching either I’m gonna cry in her face and have a big fight or just cry alone I’m sensitive. So yes I say again ok I will continue studying sarcastically and she called me a slut and walk away.

I know I’m in the wrong for my tone and I should have controlled myself better but the thing that I hate the most is my thoughts, i would compare my mom to other moms like my friends’ moms they are so funny and nice. Yes, my friends also tell me when their moms are mad they wouldn’t call their kids a slut. I just wonder if their mom says that how would they react what is strange is that I feel nothing.


hi so I have a lot of things I have
2. anxiety
4.i get overstimulated
5.i used to sh
6.i zone out a lot
plus I’m bisexual for anyone who want to know and I’m also female
I love to help out people so if anyone wants to vent I here I also love anime,reading,drawing and making cay things I also love YouTube a lot my channel is lavender honeybear and my TikTok account is @.lavender honey bee.11 and I’m 13 and in 7# grade i love volleyball and I have fake friends at school and my birthday was January 30.


hi anyone can vent as much as they want with my anyone and I mean everyone!!!no matter color gender or LGBTQ+ members!!!

˚☽˚。⋆𓃦 ˚☽˚。I love anime˚☽˚。⋆𓃦 ˚☽˚。

anyone can vent to me I’m willing to listen


hi I’m raelee I have anxiety a little bit of depression used to self harm and have a lot of other things

my anxiety pet below.


i feel like a fucking fool, i know i messed up sometimes, but that doesnt disregard the way you made me feel too. unless you can own up to your own mistakes aswell, i dont really want to be your friend.

Renee King

You won’t get an achievement for knowing the world doesn’t matter, you’ll have to carry that all knowing truth to your grave.

You’ll end up dead in nine decades, everyone you loved, everything you worked for won’t matter. You won’t want to tell anyone how you feel because you don’t want to break their facade, their fantasy.

You don’t want them to realise in 10 decades their fake lives will be long forgotten, that in 10 decades, their family, lovers, insecurities, won’t even make a tiny dent on this rock we call home. Because once they know they’ll hate you.

But you won’t care, you can’t. You’ve taught yourself to stop for the sake of knowing it won’t matter in a few days, in a few days you’ll still hate being you, and this feeling, that knowledge will never disappear.

No matter the amount of talk therapy, medication, or love. So you force yourself to find peace within the truth.

Because they need you, a statement you don’t even know is true. But you don’t want to find out. If you give in to the truth, if you gave in to your final destination, your peace. They would hurt, you know it will, the tears, the anger, their face. When they realize they can’t help you.

You’ll know they’ll hurt.

It’ll hurt them more than living already is, and you don’t want them to hurt. To experience hurt like you are. So you force yourself to find peace with hurting, with living.

this is how i feel. I am a 15 year old girl and i would to know what you think.

Last edited 11 days ago by Renee King

hi. i just feel sad. i want a hug.

im so tired

So, i have this friend who has cancer. You may assume that my venting is abouthow much i dont want to lose them because of that.

You’re wrong.

They are legit terrifying after the treatement. I don’t even recognize them as my childhood friend anymore. From being an energetic, slightly rude but still kind-hearted person to a selfish and cynical person. They started to act like everyone owes their life to them just because they have cancer. Once, when they were at my house (my parents and theirs r friends), they threatened to physically harm me with a tennis racket, a wood thing, etc. I was actually so scared. Like i seriously don’t recognize them anymore. It’s not the person I knew.

They then proceeded to continue always being selfish without remorse, threatened to hurt me several times and mocked me. They once broke their little’s sister thing we offered as gifts, and looked at her like she deserved it. They then spilled a bit of water on her, she did the same thing. They then proceeded to spill an entire cup of cold water on her. That day, when they (them and their family) left, their mother blamed everything on the little sister. I felt awfully so bad.

And then when me and my family went to visit my mom’s friend, with the cancer person’s family there as well. Everything was even more different. I couldnt recognize either of them. The person with cancer started to mock me, making sure I knew, and they knew I wouldn’t have the guts to snitch and would suck it up. They started aping me, making fun of how i spoke and my social anxiety. The sister proceeded to try to impress everyone, like she was trying to tell me im worthless and im not good like her.

That day, I felt humiliated. I didn’t even say everything in detail yet.

When I was about to leave, the little sister gave me a mocking smile with her sibling looking at me with contempt.

I couldn’t recognize either of them. I repeated this multiple times because I’m deadly serious here.


i’ve got “feelings” for a guy, but it isn’t a crush and i don’t know how to get them to go away. i will admit for a small time when we first started talking i was kinda crushing on him, but teen hormones really make you think weird stuff. this year he’ll be a sophomore and i’ll be senior so i think that’s kinda weird on its own, plus we’ve only officially talked for around a month so don’t even know him well, and i think he has a crush on another girl his age. those facts are a real stopper in my brain for any romantic potential, i’m a friend to date, date to marry kinda person. i’ve prayed and that seemed to help the crush part of it simmer down. the problem is i can’t stop thinking about him, and it’s not lovey-dovey stuff, it’s genuinely starting to get infuriating. we talk maybe once a day and i’m just happy i have a new friend (if he’d even consider us that). he’s my brother’s friend so there’s no way i can completely avoid him forever. is there anything else i can do? i really want to go back to not feeling weird about it all


They always fucking baby my brother and soil him and when he doesn’t get his way, he throws a fucking tantrum like what? the other day he was bothering me and when I told on him they didnt care and told him to be louder. but when i bothered him i got yelled and told to shut the hell up or else id be in trouble. like wtf….


I’m tired of certain people assuming I have interest in them romantically and making advances towards me after repeatedly being told to stop and that I have a bf.


I’m a trans man. I’m really scared for my safety, not only mentioning the way things are in the world, but I have to stay closeted and I feel alone. I fear that if someone finds out then something bad will happen to me. I feel alone, and like I’ll never get to be my true self, either because of the stupid law or my confidence. I know this may not sound like much, but I’m really struggling right now and I need to put this out there.


So, I wore some black nail polish on my toenails, and I got a look of pure disgust, contempt? From my dad! Im not sure what else to call it, but god I feel guilty now, I feel embarrassed to ever go in public with my parents, he made a whole scene, scoldong my siblings for putting soda in a water cup (at McDonald’s!), and being around them kills my mental health like a black mamba bite, its getting worse and I dont kbow what to do, I lack proper motivation to exist. And my grades are going to shit. Church aint helping, dad tells me to pray about it, or wants to start a bible study instead of looking into counseling. The world is losing its color. I just, dont know what to do-
Any advice?


Lowkey wanna run away who wants to go w me? im in cali fontana


hello. my name is lizzie but my friends call me liz. i am just trying to find a website i can vent to about my problems and issues. have a good day and go forth and be great <3


does someone here know spanish, my english is not good

Lonely Teenager

[17M] I feel so lonely at times, even when I’m among family or friends, I just suddenly woke up one day and felt inside me so much love and intimacy, but I don’t have anyone to give it to, and it’s so intense and overwhelming it has brought me to tears several times. I fear there may not be a girl for me, or that she would find me excessive or too much. This wouldn’t have been that much of a problem, but I live in a very conservative country in the middle east, meaning automatically that I still have about 8 years ahead of me before I can consider looking for a socially accepted relationship, and I don’t know what I can do to help myself feel less of that. Like, if it was sexual one could turn to masturbating, but this is purely emotional, in fact ever since I started feeling this way I’ve completely quit porn, it’s been like 3 weeks now, and it wasn’t even a conscious thing. How can I manage all of these emotions ?
I just really wish I had someone that I can give all the love and affection in the world 🙁


I just wanted to rant about something to know if I’m crazy or not. So here’s the scenario. I’m a young adult no older than 21. I live on a farm with my parents and grandparents. On this farm I have my own house where I spend most of my time; it’s small and about the size of two garages. I spend most of my time here because I don’t like my mother. She makes me feel like I’m crazy and worthless. My dad has no issues with me and likes him well enough. My mother is a diagnosed narcissist. She even argued with the psychologist who diagnosed her about it, telling him made up phycology facts to try and prove him wrong. any time i talk to her we get into an argument, i’m not sure why and i don’t want to argue with her, shes my mother and even though i try to avoid her i still care about her. the other day i was telling one of my sisters about fermentation because she asked, (i make wine for cooking with), so i was explaining how it works and eventually brought up the fact that alcohol can sometimes be used to disinfect an injury, when my mom heard this she went off on a rant about how wrong and dumb that was. During this time we were on our way to attend a family member’s birthday party and for the next few hours I just heard all about how wrong I was. When I argued back she used chat gpt to come up with arguments against me. it sucks, i don’t like it and i feel bad afterwards but i don’t dare apologize because of two reasons, i don’t feel like i have a reason to apologize, and if i do it will turn into another argument or demeaning session. I feel like I’m crazy, I’m torn between wanting to just completely ignore her and the feeling that I have to like her because she’s my mother. When I talk to other people, apparently I’m doing well in life for my age. I have a good job, am attending a good college, have apparently interesting hobbies and things like that. I admit it’s nice to hear but I don’t believe them fully. All I hear at home is all the flaws I have and what I could be doing, how much better I should be. It sucks and it makes me feel like I can’t form coherent or accurate thoughts. I’m constantly on edge feeling like every word I speak is a lie because of the two contradicting narratives I hear from my mother and then the rest of the people I interact with. often times i find myself doubting undeniably true things, the other day i was telling my friend about how i wrestle and have won most of my tournaments which is just a fact, there’s no lie in there, i have the metals and trophies to prove it, but even so i feel like as i say the words and tell the story, no matter how true it is, i feel like i’m lying to them or trying to impress them. I know I probably have issues in my head now, but I also don’t know if that’s just a normal thing everyone experiences. am i crazy, or going crazy, i don’t know, i wish at least i knew for sure if i was or not, that would be comforting. rant over thank you, short of it, my mother makes me question if anything i do is real. bye bye, have a good day


why do we care so freaking much about people or situations or our crushed dreams and the hopes we had to murder with our own hands?!..while others involved in all of it seem to be so chilled and back to their daily self while i lost myself completely. my soul, heart n mind all wanders entire day each day for past 5 years!!


yeah so abusive mom wont give me my phone back its been 7 months and things keep getting worse so yeah

Just me

My friend died today and i was to late to say goodbye from him in the hospital. M – if you can read this.. thank you for everything. You will be missed!

Mystic Mog

Hi im 10 and i wanna vent

Brotha eric

Well first off my family has always been the paranormal type. They are dishonest and often times through their i equity on me simply because they can. Now I’m 32 and have no place to live because of them. I hope I can someway put this past stuff behind me and forget all of this is until the end of time

Don’t Hold Back — Speak Your Heart Out!x
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